WHITE PAPER: The Role of Spirituality in Human Services

WHITE PAPER: The Role of Spirituality in Human Services

Equip your team to support a client's spiritual wishes in an ethical, beneficial manner

When your clients experience heartbreaking situations like homelessness, mental illness, or a history of abuse, topics of religion and spirituality may arise. Many social workers are uncomfortable in these situations or aren't sure what they are allowed to say.

This free white paper provides a valuable framework your organization can adopt to support a client's spiritual needs in an ethical, beneficial manner. Topics covered include:
  • Respecting the right to self- determination
  • Supporting (but not shaping) a client's beliefs
  • Understanding the clinical research behind spiritual well-being
There is considerable research on the benefits of religion and spirituality to provide hope, connection, and fulfillment. It is also proven to strengthen resilience for those in need of recovery. Read more.