There Was No Subprime Crisis

Week of February 2
In this Issue: Did Extending More Credit to Subprime Borrowers Cause the Foreclosure Crisis? 7 Ways to Improve Transit Beyond a New Rail Stop Affirmatively Dismantling Fair Housing Do Rent Regulations Make the Housing Crisis Worse? Also: Jobs In Case You Missed It +
Miriam Axel-Lute, Shelterforce
The next time you hear “transit,” don’t necessarily limit your thoughts to light rail and transit-oriented development. Read Full Article
Gregory Squires, George Washington University
HUD has proposed a new rule that would make it more difficult to combat racial segregation in housing. For starters, the rule doesn’t even mention segregation. Read Full Article
Shelterforce staff
Many people believe that the foreclosure crisis occurred because too many unqualified borrowers became homeowners. What actually happened was . . . Read Full Article
From the Shelterforce archive:
J. Rosie Tighe, Cleveland State University
Fighting nuisances might sound great, but when landlords respond by moving to evict whenever there’s a call to law enforcement, there are unintended consequences. Here’s how to retool these ordinances to avoid the worst of these problemsRead Full Article
Thursday, Feb. 6, 1:30 p.m. ET | Defending the AFFH Rule | Join the National Community Reinvestment Coalition on Thursday, Feb. 6, for a webinar to learn about proposed changes to the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule, how to make an effective comment, and how to help defend AFFH. Register here.
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You Said It

Broken Hearted: Only a white person who does not have to face this kind of discrimination would say something like that. You may mean well Sir. But unless you are a person of color, YOU WILL NEVER FULLY UNDERSTAND what it is we truly face. I am a . . . Read More

Peter W. Peters: REACH Advocacy in Rochester, New York is planning a Tiny Home Village to increase the supportive housing available in our city. Our tiny homes will be designed to survive in a Rochester winter! We are also . . . Read More

M.B.: The biggest barrier for a small subcontractor in using [The Davis-Bacon Act] isn’t the paperwork it is the uncertainty. If I was a small subcontractor I wouldn’t bid on a [Davis-Bacon Act] job because of the omissions in labor classifications. As an owner . . . Read More

Barbara Samuels: And unless or until we reach the point where transit is everywhere and frequent, we need equity in access to or a car. Efforts to reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMTs) should be viewed through an equity lens. That includes a focus on reducing . . . Read More

LR: Are you kidding me . . . a cottage of 384 square feet? Some of the tiny homes are 500 square feet and up. I suppose it depends on your definition of “tiny home.” We certainly need homes under 1,000 square feet but let’s be realistic. Not everyone will . . . Read More

Marc Brenman: Just as homelessness is a complicated and multi-faceted problem, tiny houses are just one part of a solution at the margin. Via Facebook

Patricia Walsh: Americans for the Arts is working to support public art and transit by advocating for the Saving Transit Art Resources Act (STAR Act, HR 3437) before . . . Read More

Shameka Render: Thank you for posting this information. I was in tears as I begin to imagine the things that my nonprofit can offer to others once we purchased a building. Thanks so much! Read More
Looking for a Job? Scroll Down...
Publisher/Executive Director, Shelterforce, Montclair, NJ ● Shelterforce seeks a publisher/executive director to advance its mission, grow its audience and influence, and strategically and sustainably guide the organization through an evolving and dynamic media landscape. Read Full Listing
Director of Finance, Champlain Housing Trust, Burlington, VT ● Champlain Housing Trust is seeking a highly skilled professional to lead its accounting and financial activities as the Director of Finance. This is a dynamic position with a dynamic organization, offering an opportunity to support the development, management, and stewardship of permanently . . . Read Full Listing
Chief Executive Officer, Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers, Minneapolis, MN ● Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers (MCCD) seeks an individual who is able to develop relationships with key external influencers, such as elected officials and funders. This position reports to and is the principal resource to the Board of Directors. The CEO will align metrics and performance . . . Read Full Listing
Multifamily Housing Lender, City of Seattle Office of Housing, Seattle, WA ● The City of Seattle Office of Housing seeks a Multifamily Housing Lender to help the City decide which projects should or should not be funded. With oversight, you will review and evaluate multifamily and bridge loan applications for policy and regulatory compliance, underwrite projects' . . . Read Full Listing
Chief Real Estate Officer, Way Finders Inc., Springfield, MA ● As a member of the Chief Executive Team, the Chief Real Estate Officer (CREO) oversees and implements strategy, policy, and goal setting that advances the mission of Way Finders. The CREO is principally responsible for leading and supervising Way Finders’ real estate development activities . . . Read Full Listing
More Jobs
Editor, Miriam Axel-Lute
Managing Editor, Lillian M. Ortiz
Senior Editor, Keli A. Tianga
Assistant Editor, Elizabeth Oguss
Operations Assistant, Sam Fields
Publisher, Harold Simon
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