NAEH: Ask Your Representative to Support Increased Funding for Homelessness
Now that the President's FY 2021 budget proposal is out, the federal budget cycle is officially underway. And there's something you can do right from the start.
Members of the House of Representatives are currently circulating a letter to their colleagues, which will eventually be presented to the leaders of the House Appropriations subcommittee that writes the funding bill for HUD.
The letter will ask them to increase funding for HUD's Homeless Assistance Grants by 10 percent, to $3.1 billion. Current federal investment in homelessness is insufficient, so this increase is essential so that communities can continue to serve the number of people being pushed into the homelessness system each day.
This is where you come in.
We need as many Representatives as possible to sign on to this letter. The more lawmakers who sign on, the greater chance we will have to increase the funding.
We must act now—the deadline for signing on to the letter is March 12. The Alliance's tools make it fast and simple to contact your Representative and tell them to sign on to the letter, which is entitled "Support HUD's McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants in FY 2021".
Please contact or if you have any questions.
John Threlkeld
Congressional Relations Specialist National Alliance to End Homelessness |