NCHV: COVID-19 Resources and 2020 Conference Update

Like many of you, NCHV is paying close attention to new developments with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are monitoring local, national and international public health departments and agencies for the latest updates and guidance. Due to the ongoing uncertainty, we know many of you are adjusting travel and operating plans in the near future.  

NCHV's commitment to serving you remains strong even amidst concerns around the wide spread of the coronavirus. The health and safety of our members, our partners and staff are of utmost importance.  

With regard to NCHV's 2020 Annual Conference and 30th Anniversary gala, we are still weighing the best potential path forward, and we ask you for your patience as we do so. 

If you are registered but your plans have changed due to the coronavirus, please contact us and let us know. Thank you for your patience and consideration during this period of time. 
NCHV makes recommendations for supplemental spending to the Senate and House Appropriations Committees for COVID-19 funds
The high risk of transmission of COVID-19 throughout the homeless population, combined with the anticipated economic impact social distancing can have on housing stability demands that we act collectively to ensure veterans can access the supports they need to be stably housed.

This week, NCHV submitted a request to Congress for the inclusion of resources directly targeted to addressing the needs of veterans experiencing or at-risk of homelessness in upcoming supplemental funding legislation. Additional resources will allow VA and DOL to address a potential influx of veterans needing immediate access to permanent housing, or homeless prevention services.

We requested:  
  • $30 Million in supplemental funding for VA's Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Program
  • $90 Million in supplemental funding for VA's Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program
  • Enhanced partnership between HUD-VA Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Program and VA's Telehealth Program
  • $65 Million to support an immediate per diem increase for VA's Grant and Per Diem (GPD) Program 
  • $15 Million for employment assistance through the Department of Labor's Homeless Veterans Reintegration (HVRP) Program  

We need you to contact your Senators and members of Congress immediately to demand funding for veterans experiencing homelessness in the Coronavirus response. These veterans are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19, and many are already older and in poor health.   
Click here to locate your Congressional representatives.
NCHV COVID-19 Resources Page
Families and individuals experiencing homelessness are more vulnerable to infectious diseases. Preparing for COVID-19's impact on the veterans experiencing homelessness is of utmost importance. Please use the resources page below to help.

If your program has a need for donations related to the COVID-19 outbreak, please send us your information so that we can promote it on our social media channels. Email and include;
  • Organization name,  
  • social media usernames,  
  • your donation request or link to your donation Wishlist and  
  • Address where you would like to receive donations.
CONTACT US! Tell us what you are seeing and experiencing while working with veterans experiencing homelessness during this outbreak. What are your some of your needs? What are your concerns? Your stories and insight enable us to advocate more effectively. Send an email to and let us know!