HUD Update on 2020 Census Efforts to Count the Homeless

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Update on 2020 Census Efforts to Count the Homeless
Many of you have generously given your time to help the Census accurately count people experiencing homelessness for the 2020 Census. Given the current efforts to address COVID-19, the Census announced that they will push back the count of people experiencing homelessness to April 29 through May 1. All local area Census offices are working with a reduced number of staff due to social distancing guidance until further notice but are trying to be as responsive as possible to questions. To the extent you are able, we encourage you to work with them to accurately count people experiencing homelessness.

The Census has posted several resources to explain how they count people experiencing homelessness, how privacy and confidentiality are preserved, and how organizations can assist with the count. Additionally, the Census has published contact information for its Regional Census Centers if you have questions about the count or who is contacting you.


Persons Experiencing Homelessness, the Highly Mobile, and Renters:
Safety and Confidentiality:
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