COVID-19 Resources and Updates
DHCD will continue to update its COVID-19 resource page that can be found here.
Financial Relief for Consumers and Small Businesses
On April 3, Governor Hogan issued an Executive Order and announced a series of financial relief initiatives to provide assistance to consumers and small businesses facing economic hardships due to COVID-19.
Summary of the Emergency Solutions Grant Funding within the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act
On Friday, March 27, 2020, President Trump signed H.R. 748, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act into law. A downloadable and searchable PDF copy of the legislation can be found here. Information about Homelessness Assistance Grants can be found beginning on page 328.
The Homelessness Solutions Team at DHCD has provided a summary of the ESG Funding to assist providers in accessing available resources.
Support for Residents and Families
Resources from the CASH Campaign of Maryland
The CASH Campaign of Maryland's COVID-19 resource page offers an abundance of information on how to lessen the financial impact faced by individuals and families. They also provide information related to housing and meals assistance in light of the pandemic. |
National and Federal Resources
HUD Regulatory Waivers & Guidance
HUD issued guidance regarding 17 Waivers available under the ESG, CoC, and HOPWA programs that recipients can take advantage of for COVID response.
Continuum of Care Program Waivers (partial list):
Disability - now have 6 months to obtain medical documentation from date of application to PSH.
Rental and Utility Arrears - now eligible costs under Housing Search and Counseling (up to 6 months of arrears in rent and 6 months of arrears in utilities).
RRH/PSH Case Management Frequency - Monthly visit requirement waived for two months
HQS New Units - Video inspection allowed for 6 months. Must physically reinspect within 3 months after the state of emergency is lifted.
HQS Annual Inspection - Inspection requirements waived for one year
PSH Leases - For one year, PSH clients can enter into any length lease as long as it is more than one month
Emergency Solutions Grant Funding
FMR - RRH or Homeless Prevention rental assistance can be above FMR as long as they still meet rent reasonableness standard
RRH/PSH Case Management Frequency - Monthly visit requirement waived for two months
HP Re-evaluation - Eligibility re-evaluation requirement changed from every 3 months to every 6 months, for a two year period
How to Request a Waiver:
CoC or ESG Recipient (not subrecipient) email HUD field office at CPD_COVID-19WaiverBAL@HUD.gov per instructions in HUD guidance. (Prince George's and Montgomery County requests need to be sent to the DC Field Office).
DHCD needs feedback from CoCs about ESG waivers that they would like DHCD to request on their behalf - please send to Steve at stephen.holt@maryland.gov.
Latest HUD COVID-19 Response Assistance and Support Resources
Below are a list of upcoming Office Hours with HUD's Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) for homeless assistance providers and their partners.
HUD Recommended National Partner Resources
HUD Recommended State and Local Partner Resources
Other Resources and Information
It's More Important Than Ever to be Counted
The COVID-19 pandemic is providing a stark reminder of the importance of federal funding that is distributed based on formulas. Many federal formula grants are informed by Census data, making an accurate Census count essential to our ability to meet the needs of community residents. Community providers are encouraged to remind people to complete the census, which can be done online and takes only a few minutes. To complete the Census online go to: https://2020census.gov/.