Now Playing: Borne the Battle (VA)

Listen now to the Department of Veterans Affairs official podcast.

Borne the Battle

Now Playing: Borne the Battle

A hand holding a phone playing an episode of "Borne the Battle".

Borne the Battle is the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) official podcast that engages with Veterans and members of the military community while spotlighting important information from across the VA. Released weekly, distinguished guests join host—and Marine Veteran—Tanner Iskra to discuss:
  • Bridging the military-civilian divide
  • Veteran advocacy initiatives through the voice of Veterans
  • Positive stories to inspire and educate transitioning Veterans
  • New information from the VA about important resources and benefits

Listen to Borne the Battle

You can find Borne the Battle on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeartRADIO, or any other podcast app.
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