URGENT: Tell Congress To Sign On To More Funds for Homelessness During COVID-19
Over the course of the past month, advocates like you sent more than 17,000 letters to your Members of Congress, urging them to make emergency investments in the homelessness system as part of the COVID-19 supplemental spending bill. Because of your efforts, Congress allocated an unprecedented amount of resources to help people experiencing homelessness during this crisis.
The House is beginning work on the next round of COVID-19 supplemental funding. And so, we need you again. Please ask your Representatives to join the House Homelessness Caucus "Dear Colleague" sign-on letter, from Reps. Eddie Bernice Johnson and Alcee L. Hastings, Co-Chairs of the caucus. It calls for increased funding for three initiatives:
We must act quickly. Please take action.
Steve Berg
VP for Programs and Policy National Alliance to End Homelessness |