The following HOME Program Reports have been posted on the HUD Exchange. Additional HOME Program reports are available on the HOME Program Page.
HOME Monthly Reports as of 4/30/2020 Now Posted:
- Post 2011 HOME Activities Reports: These reports assist Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) and Field Offices (FOs) in tracking compliance with the four-year project completion deadline in the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS).
- Post 2011 HOME Homebuyer Activities Report: This report is an Excel spreadsheet to assist PJs in tracking compliance with the homebuyer sales deadline.
- HOME PJs Open Activities Reports: These reports help PJs view open activities in IDIS, including activities with 100 percent of the funds drawn and a status code of final draw as well as activities with little or no HOME funds drawn during the past several years.
- HOME PJs Vacant Units Reports: These reports help PJs identify units in HOME projects that are marked "vacant" in IDIS.
- HOME Deadline Compliance Status Reports: These reports assist PJs and FOs in monitoring compliance with the five-year expenditure requirements of the HOME regulations.
- HOME Grant Specific Commitment and Disbursement Summary Report: This report is generated by HUD at the end of each month and reflects each HOME PJ's commitments and expenditures for open 2015 and later grants.
- HOME National Production Report: This report is a monthly cumulative summary report of HOME data by federal fiscal year (FY) that includes allocations, commitments, disbursements, leveraging ratios, low-income benefit, committed funds by activity type, and HOME cost per unit by tenure and activity type.