1. ATTENTION: Emergency Housing Assistance Provisions and Enrollments
2. NEW: Health and Human Services Resources Related to Federal Nutrition Programs
3. UPDATE: Updated Guidance Related to HMIS Entries of TFA Expenditures
4. UPDATE: EHA Referral Form for SSVF Emergency Housing Assistance (At-Risk COVID-19)
5. REGISTER NOW: SSVF Office Hours – CARES Act SSVF Funding and Resources Available May, 8th, 2020 at 12:00 EST
6. REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar – Coordinating Across Federal Partners During COVID-19 May 14, 2020, at 2:00 EST
ATTENTION: Emergency Housing Assistance Provisions and Enrollments
The SSVF Program Office wants to remind SSVF Grantees, all Veterans families that are provided any Temporary Financial Assistance (TFA) must be enrolled in SSVF and that enrollment information must be entered into the HMIS system. Grantees should not create barriers to EHA placements or enrollments. Therefore, grantees may collect the minimum required for enrollment and follow up soon thereafter to collect other necessary information.
NEW: Health and Human Services Resources Related to Federal Nutrition Programs
The US Department of Health and Human Services has published a website related to meeting the nutritional needs of at-risk individuals. This site includes a comprehensive list of Federal nutrition programs with descriptions and links to each resource.
Link to Health & Human Services website:
Link to list of Federal Nutrition Programs Document:
UPDATE: Updated Guidance Related to HMIS Entries of TFA Expenditures
The SSVF Program Office continues to support Grantees' efforts to enroll Veterans and provide services as quickly as possible during this COVID-19 crisis. We provided guidance to grantees on the minimum required HMIS data entry standards. The Program Office is now requesting that SSVF Grantees ensure they are entering TFA expenditures for each Veteran household in addition to the minimum required data fields. Grantees should enter TFA expenses as incurred in the appropriate category i.e., EHA, GHS, RRH, HP, etc. (Please do not wait to enter EHA expenses for payment of invoices, as the information can be updated at a later date.) We will be utilizing this information in our regular updates regarding CARES funding.
UPDATE: EHA Referral Form for SSVF Emergency Housing Assistance (At-Risk COVID-19)
The SSVF EHA Referral Form used by VA and community providers to request SSVF Emergency Housing Assistance has been revised and will be available on the SSVF website. Please note that the EHA Referral Form is not required; however, grantees may continue to use it to facilitate EHA placements. The Program Office encourages grantees to communicate with VAMC staff and other stakeholders to coordinate EHA placements as needed. SSVF providers must ensure that EHA placements happen quickly, and grantees should evaluate their referral process to identify and eliminate any barriers to accessing this resource.
REGISTER NOW: SSVF Office Hours – CARES Act SSVF Funding and Resources Available
The SSVF Program Office will host a Webinar to review the CARES Act funding questions and guidance on expanding emergency housing assistance on May 8, at 12:00, EST; please register for the webinar using the link below:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar, May 14, 2020, at 2:00 pm EST
Topic: Coordinating Across Federal Partners During the COVID-19 Crisis
The SSVF program office and its partners recognize the need for increased and ongoing coordination between VA, HUD, and other programs to reach and serve as many at-risk Veterans as possible in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar will provide an overview of the broader federal response to COVID-19 on people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness, including how CARES Act funding and support is being implemented and prioritized across VA and HUD and USICH's coordinating role in supporting communities during this public health crisis. The discussion will also focus on how SSVF Grantees and their community and VA partners can ensure Veterans have rapid access to SSVF services and linkages to permanent housing. Please register for the webinar using the link below:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Thank you,
SSVF Program Office