(HUD) Data Submission Deadline Reminder: 2020 HIC & PIT Count Data Due June 30

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Data Submission Deadline Reminder: 2020 HIC & PIT Count Data Due June 30
The 2020 Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) count data submission deadline is Tuesday, June 30, 2020 at 8:00 PM EDT. Continuums of Care (CoCs) must submit their 2020 HIC and PIT count via HUD’s Homelessness Data Exchange (HDX) web portal.

Important Notes

These reports will not be submitted through the HDX 2.0, but will instead be submitted through the original HDX “1.0.” Please be sure you are visiting the correct site and updating your credentials there. The two sites do not share passwords, so you will need to maintain/update two separate passwords – one for each site.
HUD is aware that CoCs continue to address COVID-19. If you cannot meet this deadline, please contact HUD as soon as possible for assistance.


Guidance on collecting and entering HIC and PIT data via the HDX is available for download from the PIT and HIC Guides, Tools, and Webinars page. Resources include:


If you have any questions about the HIC or PIT count data submissions process, please submit them to the Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. Under “My question is related to”: select “HDX Homelessness Data Exchange (including AHAR, HIC, LSA, PDX, PIT, Stella, Sys PM).”

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Visit the HUD Exchange at https://www.hudexchange.info