(HUD) Publishes FY 2020 Income Limits for CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, HTF, and NSP and FY 2020 Rent Limits for HOME and HTF

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HUD Publishes FY 2020 Income Limits for CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, HTF, and NSP and FY 2020 Rent Limits for HOME and HTF
HUD has published the Community Planning and Development (CPD) Income Limits for FY 2020 for the following programs:
  • Brownfield Economic Development Initiative (BEDI)
  • Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
  • CDBG Disaster Recovery Assistance (CDBG-DR)
  • HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
  • Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA)
  • Housing Trust Fund (HTF)
  • Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)
  • Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program
  • Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity (SHOP)
HUD has also published the Rent Limits for FY 2020 for the following programs:
  • HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
  • Housing Trust Fund (HTF)
These updated limits are effective as of July 1, 2020 and can be accessed on the HUD Exchange's Income Calculator page under “Related Materials.”

How Does this Affect the Income Calculator?

Please note that the calculator has not yet been updated with the FY 2020 income limits. Users should be aware that the FY 2019 income limits in place will continue to be used until the calculator is updated on July 1, 2020. A separate listserv will be sent once the calculator has been updated.

Please direct any comments or questions to info@hudexchange.info.
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