(MCAP) News You Can Use!

June 2020
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Community Action Response To The Pandemic
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The Groundwater Approach: Building a Practical Understanding of Structural Racism
From the Racial Equity Institute, this resource helps nonprofit leaders "embrace the truths" and explore the racially structured society in which we live and what causes racial inequity.

This paper was developed to be used as a tool to deepen both individual understanding of the need for systemic change, as well as a tool for facilitated group learning and development.

Download here
12 Quick Tips for Helping People Vote
Helping people to vote is a powerful way nonprofits "stand up" — what we call Voting with Your Mission. There is no perfect way to engage voters. The key is to find a few ways that fit your organization, and build onto your existing activities rather than adding new things to do. Nonprofit staff are busy, and the tips below won't take a lot time or expense, instead, they're designed to be included in the work you're already doing. 

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Response Rates
The 2020 Census is underway! Keep tabs on how many households in your community have responded with a map to review response rates from 2010 and 2020 in your state, city, town, or neighborhood.

You can even challenge the community to participate with the 2020 Census Response Rate Challenge Toolkit.

How can employers and colleagues better support employees of color? What is the most productive way to talk about race in the workplace?

Bridgespan's Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Raël Nelson James, spoke with PBS NewsHour's Stephanie Sy and answered viewer questions about navigating discussions of race at work.
Strategically invest your stimulus funding
Community Action Agencies are receiving $1 billion dollars in Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), and the Head Start network is also receiving $750 million dollars for on-time activities to respond to COVID-19. The funds are designed to address the increased demand for human services needs in response to COVID-19, which can be directed at a variety of actions or activities.

With the flexibility of how these stimulus dollars can be allocated, the WIPFLI team can help strategically evaluate your operations and prioritize your spending so you can address broader needs, improve quality of services and increase capacity to deliver. And as always, they bring decades of compliance knowledge to the conversation.

Download the guide today to learn how to strategically invest your stimulus funding!
Maryland Community Action Partnership Presents a
3-part Racial Equity Series

Part 1: Utilizing a Culturally Responsive and Racial Equity Lens in Strategic Engagement and Evaluation

Friday, June 26, 2020
Human services organizations are being challenged to evaluate programs, services, and initiatives in ways that move from the traditional role of evaluation, and its perceived role of objectivity, to a process that considers who is being evaluated and who is conducting the evaluation.

This webinar builds on work by Public Policy Associates and Michigan Public Health Institute to focus on the practical use of a racial equity lens when conducting evaluation in human services organizations and programs.

Register here
Digital Voter Engagement Tools During the COVID Pandemic
Tuesday, Jun 16, 2020 02:00 PM
Nonprofit VOTE is bringing together leading civic tech tools in a virtual "resource fair" so you can find the solutions you need for engaging voters. We're taking the effort out of researching each tool and the awkwardness out of the traditional vendor tables at a conference. Attend the webinar to see their demos and then use the Q&A box to get rapid answers to your questions about the platforms.

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With the cancellation of the 2020 MACo Summer Conference due to pandemic precautions, MACo is pivoting to provide essential online learning and dialogue opportunities in a weekly virtual format.

 This series is FREE to our membership, thanks to the generosity of our Corporate Partners!

Practices for Healthy Board Governance

Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Clear expectations are the foundation for healthy board meetings. In this webinar we will explore four practices for healthy nonprofit board governance: recruiting and on-ramping, board structures, accountability (including board norms) and board development planning.

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The Partnership is moving full speed ahead with the 2020 Annual Convention August 26-28, 2020.

In the event that the convention cannot safely take place in Seattle, they are fully prepared to host the convention virtually

Click here to learn more