(SSVF) Program Update Friday, June 19th, 2020

From: Supportive Services for Veteran Families
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2020 8:30 AM
Subject: SSVF Program Update Friday, June 19th, 2020


1.REGISTER NOW: SSVF Office Hours – Homelessness Prevention June 26 @ 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EST
2.ATTENTION:  SSVF Grantee COVID019 Resource Toolkit
3.RESOURCE:  Nationwide Eviction Resource Page
4.AVAILABLE NOW:  Recorded Webinar, Great SSVF Staffing Strategies and Samples

REGISTER NOW: SSVF Office Hours – Homelessness Prevention June 26 @ 12:00 EST

The COVID-19 public health crisis, resulting regulatory relief and funding increases for the VA's Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program provide an opportunity to expand homelessness prevention services for Veterans at risk of becoming literally homeless.  The SSVF Program also strongly encourages SSVF Grantees to be proactive in homelessness prevention outreach as the economic impact of COVID-19 begins leading to potential losses of housing for Veterans.  This webinar will review strategies and best practices for providing homelessness prevention services to Veterans.
Grantees may register using the link below:


ATTENTION: SSVF Grantee COVID-19 Resource Toolkit

As the SSVF Program Office continues to support Grantees serving Veterans during COVID-19, we want to ensure we are sharing the newest and best information possible.  With our TA providers' efforts, the SSVF Program Office will continue to share information learned from Grantees in a collection of documents intended to create a Grantee Resource Toolkit to support service provisions during this time.  TA has developed three documents to date, for Grantees to review.

•SSVF and Homeless Prevention Considerations During COVID-19
•SSVF Staffing Considerations During COVID-19
•SSVF Income Use Considerations During COVID-19

While our TA providers will continue to develop information for Grantees to review and utilize, these documents can be found on the SSVF website, under SSVF Response to COVID 19 Guidance section, at the link below:


RESOURCE:  Nationwide Eviction Resource Page

The SSVF Program Office would like to share a link to nationwide resources related to eviction protections, moratoriums, and legal aid resources.  The Primary website is called, Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj, and is a collection of links to information Grantees might find useful and informative.  By sharing information and resources that have been suggested to the Program Office, the intention is that Grantees can access information that might be helpful to efficiently and effectively serve our homeless Veteran population.  Please feel free to explore this resource further at the link below:


AVAILABLE NOW:  Recorded Webinar, Great SSVF Staffing Strategies and Samples

The SSVF Program Office, with the support of Technical Assistance, recorded a webinar to highlight SSVF Grantee staffing strategies and samples from the field.  The webinar, which featured guest speakers from four SSVF Grantee agencies, provided insight on how they were able to mobilize their teams quickly to support Veteran households being placed in Emergency Housing, while also balancing the staff's workload capacity and morale.

This link takes you directly to the recorded webinar:

Link is also available on the SSVF website at:

Thank you,

SSVF Program Office