(HUD) DRGR Release 8.1 Issues

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DRGR Release 8.1 Issues
HUD is aware of two issues caused by Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting (DRGR) Release 8.1 affecting most system users. This email highlights these issues and provides temporary, work around guidance. HUD expects to have the issues permanently resolved on or before July 24, 2020.

Please contact the DRGR Team via HUD's Ask A Question (AAQ) portal under “My question is related to," select “DRGR: Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting System” or DRGRHelp@hud.gov with related questions.

DRGR User Re-Certification Defect

HUD has extended the re-certification period to August 31, 2020. The issue prevents users from saving user certification changes. The re-certification extension period will allow HUD time to investigate the cause of the issue and will keep user accounts active, to prevent a lapse in access to the DRGR system, during HUD’s investigation period. Please note that the issue does not impact DRGR users that were re-certified between June 1, 2020 and June 27, 2020; for these users, no additional certification action is needed until December 2020. However, all DRGR users including grantee and HUD users that were NOT re-certified between June 1, 2020 and June 27, 2020 must be recertified by August 31, 2020 before 11:59 PM EDT to avoid a lapse in access to DRGR. There are two options available to complete re-certification requirements by August 31, 2020:
  • Option 1: DRGR users authorized to re-certify other users can use the standard re-certification screens in DRGR, after HUD resolves the issue in DRGR. This may not occur until mid-to-late of July 2020.
  • Option 2: DRGR users authorized to re-certify other users can complete the re-certification process now by completing and uploading into DRGR using the Grantee Certify or HUD Certify upload templates on the DRGR Data Uploads Template page.
As a reminder, DRGR users authorized to re-certify other users are as follows: HUD HQ Admin or Super Users are responsible for re-certifying HUD Field Office Managers. Field Office Managers must re-certify HUD Field Office Users. Field Office Users that are also designated CPD Representatives for one or more DRGR grants must re-certify Grantee Administrators associated with the grantee in receipt of the designated grants. Finally, Grantee Administrators must re-certify Regular Grantee Users with access to one or more grants associated with the same grantee.

DRGR OLAP Report Errors

With this DRGR Release, HUD increased the character limit for the TA Work Plan Scope field in DRGR. The change is impacting some of the shared reports in DRGR Reports (e.g., MicroStrategy Reports) under the DRGR OLAP project. HUD is working on a temporary fix to the reports, which will be in place by the end of this week. But to ensure the errors do not repeat after the HUD fix, TA Providers in DRGR should ensure that the TA Work Plan Scope fields do not exceed 2000 characters. HUD is also monitoring the character size of the Scope fields and will correct issues on the back end of the System to ensure that the Reports are working correctly. HUD will permanently resolve this issue on or July 24, 2020.


DRGR System functions best in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. If you are using Internet Explorer and experience issues, please try another internet browser. Also, please remember to clear browsing data and enable pop-ups each time HUD deploys a new release. This ensures that all new system functions are properly working for users.
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