HUD released new guides offering practical tips to analyze local Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA) data through the Stella Performance Module (Stella P) visualization platform. The guides assist in identifying service gaps and designing impactful improvement strategies. Stella P helps illuminate disparities in the rate people of different races and ethnic groups become homeless, the length of time they stay homeless, the rate they exit to permanent housing, and the rate they return to the homeless system after exiting. Disaggregating performance data by race and ethnicity is key to conducting racial equity analyses.
The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated long-standing racial and ethnic disparities in homelessness and housing instability. Now is a critical opportunity to analyze how our homeless system is serving different population groups to address these inequities and improve our response.
Once communities have reviewed their data, they should undertake further analysis. This includes talking to people with lived experience to understand how disparities are being experienced and design strategies to improve equitable access and outcomes.
New HUD SNAPS Resources
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