(ShelterForce) What Happens if 23 Million Renters Are Evicted?

Week of July 27
In this Issue: Pollution, Place, and the Unnecessary Tragedy of Premature Death Could Tenants Soon Have the Opportunity to Purchase Their Homes? What Happens if 23M Renters Are Evicted ● Also: Jobs ● Events ● You Said It ● In Case You Missed It +
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Josh Cohen, Shelterforce
Up to 23 million renters are at risk of eviction by the end of September. We spoke with researchers, advocates, lawyers, housing economists, and rental housing industry representatives to understand. Read Full Article
Julie Gilgoff, CUNY School of Law
Versions of a law known as the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act are being proposed across the country—in places like New York, Massachusetts, and California. Could giving tenants a first right of purchase further protect renters? We take a closer look at the proposals. Read Full Article
Gregory D. Squires, George Washington University; John Hans Gilderbloom, University of Louisville; and Wesley Meares, Augusta University
Recent studies of the social determinants of health in Louisville found that life expectancy is 10 years lower for low-income Black residents who live in neighborhoods adjacent to a chemical industry park. These studies blamed the disparity on the alleged lifestyle of the poor. Missing from this explanation is . . . Read Full Article
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Industry News

The Champlain Housing Trust has announced that CEO Brenda Torpy will step down at the end of 2020. Current chief operating and financial officer Michael Monte will be hired as its next CEO beginning in January 2021.

In honor of Congressman John Lewis, New Day Films is providing a free streaming through July 31 of Arc of Justice, a short film about New Communities Inc, which Lewis helped form. Read Shelterforce's review of the film here.

Health Affairs has released The Health Effects of Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit: Results From New York City, a research article that examines the health effects of the New York City Paycheck Plus randomized controlled trial.

Wednesday, July 29, 4 p.m. ET | NJ Spotlight Virtual Roundtable: Race and Health Care in New Jersey: Addressing Inequities in the COVID-19 Era | Join NJ Spotlight and NJTV News in a virtual roundtable with health care leaders, public officials, and administrators to explore how progress can be made toward alleviating racial inequities in health outcomes as New Jersey recovers from COVID-19. Register here.

Thursday, July 30, 2 p.m. ET | Ending the Triple Pandemic: Advancing Racial Equity by Promoting Health, Economic Opportunity and Criminal Justice Reform | Join Trust for America’s Health, American Public Health Association, NAACP, and the National Collaborative for Health Equity to discuss the disproportionate health and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Black community and other communities of color, and how structural racism drives systemic inequities in health, the economy, and criminal justice. Register here.

Tuesday, August 4, 2 p.m. ET | Delivering Credit to Entrepreneurs of Color Impacted by COVID-19: Why Community Financial Institutions Are Essential | Join the The Economic Opportunities Program to talk about the role CDFIs can play in supporting entrepreneurs and advancing equity during this uncertain time, as well as how policymakers, investors, philanthropy, and others can support the work of CDFIs. Register here.

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You Said It

Michael Llorenz: . . . As a retired professor and head of the graduate Department of Entrepreneurship, despite years of encouraging my brightest MBA students to re-invent rural entrepreneurship, none have done so. Key to . . . Read More

Ishmael A. Ali: Everything in this article is 100 percent true, but the blame should not be assessed to segregationist practices by white suburbs alone. After 1968, “affordable housing” became an industry, and, whether the housing program of the moment has been Section 236 or LIHTC projects with . . . Read More

Roy Lowenstein: White liberals have been embarrassingly discriminatory in terms of selecting segregated neighborhoods to live in, perhaps all over the country. I recall a mapping program that was featured a couple years ago in the New York Times that depicted a dot in one color or the other for every 50 people. The dots were . . . Read More

The Kresge Foundation: The ZIP code in which we’re raised shouldn’t determine our destiny. Communities need to invite people of color & people of all income levels in, welcoming the fact [that] together, long-term & new residents will create a new and better community. Via Twitter
Real Estate Project Manager, RUPCO, Kingston, NY ● RUPCO's Real Estate Development Project Manager will have 3 to 5 years of experience to process existing development pursuits and assist with new target opportunities. He/she/they will leverage their skills and experience in affordable housing best practices to take a significant leadership role in the creation of . . . Read Full Listing
Real Estate Development Project Manager, Homestead Community Land Trust, Seattle, WA ● Homestead seeks an experienced housing developer who will have hands-on responsibility for housing development projects from conception to completion, as well as ongoing stewardship of homes in trust. The Real Estate Development Project Manager will work in partnership with the . . . Read Full Listing
Director of Homeownership & Stewardship Services, Homestead Community Land Trust, Seattle, WA ● Homestead seeks an experienced community land trust specialist who will have both hands-on and leadership responsibility for homeownership services and stewardship. The Director of Homeownership and Stewardship Services is a member of the senior leadership team who designs and implements . . . Read Full Listing
Executive Director, Raise Texas, Flexible Location, TX ● Raise Texas, a 501(c) (3) statewide network of nonprofit organizations, for-profit corporations, and public institutions working to support and expand asset-building activities in Texas, seeks an executive director. The ED manages and coordinates all of the day-to-day operations of the organization . . . Read Full Listing
Chief Executive Officer/Publisher, Shelterforce, Montclair, NJ ● Shelterforce seeks a Chief Executive Officer/Publisher (CEO/Publisher) to advance its mission, grow its capacity, audience, and influence, and strategically and sustainably guide the organization through an evolving and dynamic media landscape. Read Full Listing
Executive Director, The Community Fund of North Miami Dade, Inc., Miami-Dade, Florida ● The Community Fund of North Miami Dade, Inc., a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), a subsidiary of Opa-Locka Community Development Corporation (OLCDC), is seeking an Executive Director to manage and provide overall leadership, strategy, and stewardship of its loan fund. Read Full Listing
Rehab Project Manager and Sustainability Director, Northern California Land Trust, Berkeley, CA ● Northern California Land Trust seeks a Rehab Project Manager who will be a core team member of both the Property Management/ Stewardship team and the Project Development team and will lead the rehab and energy efficiency upgrades at NCLT’s portfolio of more than 20 projects. In addition . . . Read Full Listing
Director of the National Land Bank Network, The Center for Community Progress, Washington, D.C. ● The Center for Community progress seeks a Director of the National Land Bank Network, who will serve as the engineer of a new, formalized, national platform for NLBN members to connect and share knowledge, develop innovative programs and policy reforms, and learn new skills through . . . Read Full Listing
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Managing Editor, Lillian M. Ortiz
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