1. ATTENTION: Unannounced Standardized Veteran (USV) SSVF "Secret Shopper" Program Update FY20
2. REGISTER NOW: SSVF Office Hours July 24th, 2020 at 12:00 pm EST – Race Equity & Inclusion
3. REMINDER: SSVF Grantee COVID-19 Resource Toolkit
ATTENTION: Unannounced Standardized Veteran (USV) SSVF "Secret Shopper" Program Update FY20
The SSVF USV Veteran collects data documenting what they observed using standardized measures of access, ICARE values, and process (e.g. number of steps, length of time, and need for assertiveness) while attempting to obtain services as would actual Veterans. Due to COVID -19 the USV has made changes to the process for FY20, moving away from presenting to Grantee agencies in person, to phone contacts. Please review the attached document for further details regarding the FY20 changes and suggestions for preparations.
REGISTER NOW: SSVF Office Hours July 24th, 2020 at 12:00 pm EST – Race Equity & Inclusion
The SSVF Program Office recognizes the need for SSVF grantees to understand and address equity and inclusion in their programs. In this webinar grantees will provide examples of using CoC data to guide decisions and adjust policies to ensure equity and inclusion in their programs.
Register Using the link below:
REMINDER: SSVF Grantee COVID-19 Resource Toolkit
As the SSVF Program Office continues to support grantees serving Veterans during COVID-19, we want to ensure we are sharing the newest and best information possible. With our TA providers efforts, the SSVF Program Office will continue to share information learned from grantees in a collection of documents intended to create a Grantee Resource Toolkit to support service provisions during this time. TA has developed three documents to date, for grantees to review.
• SSVF and Homeless Prevention Considerations During COVID-19
• SSVF Staffing Considerations During COVID-19
• SSVF Income Use Considerations During COVID-19
While our TA providers will continue to develop information for grantees to review and utilize, these documents can be found on the SSVF website, under SSVF Response to COVID 19 Guidance section, or at the link below:
Thank you,
SSVF Program Office