(HUD) Updated Version of CoC Analysis Tool: Race and Ethnicity Available to Support Community Analysis of Racial Disparities in Homelessness

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Updated Version of CoC Analysis Tool: Race and Ethnicity Available to Support Community Analysis of Racial Disparities in Homelessness

The COVID-19 crisis has surfaced and exacerbated long-standing race and ethnicity disparities in homelessness and housing instability. Each community has unique circumstances impacting people experiencing homelessness. The CoC Analysis Tool draws on Point-In-Time Count and American Community Survey data to facilitate analysis of racial disparities among people experiencing homelessness. Such an analysis is a critical first step in identifying and eliminating racial and ethnic inequities in our systems and services.

While the CoC Analysis Tool can identify disproportionality in who experiences homelessness in your community, further analysis is needed to understand how your homeless crisis response system is serving people in various racial or ethnic demographic groups. Coordinated entry data disaggregated by race can help you see who is accessing your system and identify disparities in assessment and referral processes. Longitudinal System Analysis (LSA) data, as visualized through Stella Performance (Stella P), can help illuminate disparities in the rate people of different racial and ethnic groups become homeless, the length of time they stay homeless, the rate they exit to permanent housing, and return to the homeless system after exiting.

Once communities have reviewed their quantitative data, they should seek input from people with lived experience and people representing the underserved population groups to understand how disparities are being experienced and design strategies to improve equitable access and outcomes.

CoC Analysis Tool Updates

Version 2.1 of the CoC Analysis Tool: Race and Ethnicity corrects two calculation errors from version 2:

  • The first is an error in the "All People" chart in the Distribution of Ethnicity section. The percentages displayed in the bar chart for Hispanic and Non-Hispanic People Experiencing Homelessness were incorrectly displaying the percentages of Hispanic and Non-Hispanic People In Poverty. The percentages in the tables were correct.
  • The second correction is an error in the Youth sections of the CoC and State tables, as well as the Youth chart of version 2. The numbers and percentages of all youth, at the CoC and State level, were incorrectly displaying the numbers and percentages of youth households, rather than individuals. This had the effect of undercounting the total number of youth at the CoC and State level.

Please Note: If your CoC used the percentage of Hispanic and Non-Hispanic People Experiencing Homelessness In Poverty from the bar chart, or the total number or percentage of individual youth at the CoC and State Level the information was incorrect and has been corrected in Version 2.1.

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