NHSDC Fall 2020 Virtual Conference:
Registration is OPEN!
The National Human Services Data Consortium is proud to announce our Fall 2020 Virtual Conference! The conference is unique because it will run throughout October. That’s right! Resources and sessions will be available the whole month to provide you with meaningful plenaries, sessions, labs, meetups, and more! We are so excited to bring this opportunity to get everyone connected even during pandemic times!
Dates: October 5th - October 30th
Time: Times for each session will vary
Cost: $110 per person. Register here
Sneak Peak at Conference Sessions:
- Tracking Dynamic Housing Problem Solving Resources in HMIS
- HUD Data Elements and Domestic Violence: Using Data to Inform Safety
- Be A Data Guru - Examples, Insights, and Methods
- From Implementation to Refinement: An Action-Oriented Project Management Approach to CES Refinement
- Driving Policy Change through the Application of Data
- HMIS Personnel Certification
- Coordinated Entry 2.0 When Coordinated Entry Needs More Coordination and Less Data Entry
- HMIS Project Set-up 101
- HMIS Budgeting Strategies
- Implementing Effective Contract Negotiation and Relationship Management Strategies 101
- HMIS Project Set-up 201
- HMIS Project Management and Annual Calendar of Expectations
- HMIS Governance 101
- Data Quality 101: What is DQ?
- Problem Solving Lab: Develop Your DQ Plan
- Plenaries to be announced
What Else to Expect
- Networking Virtual Meetups
- Social Virtual Meetups
- Session Discussion Communities
- Wellness Sessions
Register here. Hope to "see" you there!
For more information on NHSDC and our conferences, please visit our website, nhsdc.org.