In this Issue: Duluth Indigenous Groups Reframe Climate Work in Cultural Context ● Not Your Granddad's Suburb ● Hotel Rooms for the Homeless Change Health Outcomes Beyond COVID ● Also: Jobs ● Resources ● Events ● You Said It ● In Case You Missed It + | | Nicole Martinez, Shelterforce Beyond the crucial goal of reducing the spread of COVID-19, providers say that the shift from shelters to hotel rooms has made dramatic positive change for their clients. Read Full Article | | Peter Dreier, Occidental College Trump attempted to win over the suburbs by using racist buzzwords, demonstrating his ignorance of what modern suburbia looks like. Read Full Article | | Interview by Brandon Duong, Shelterforce How gardens, worm bins, and solar panels help reclaim agency for Duluth's Indigenous communities. Read Full Article | | Looking for a Job? Scroll Down... | | Resources
Gentrification and the Health of Legacy Residents | Health Affairs released the latest in their series of health policy briefs. The brief examines the potential health impacts of urban gentrification on original (or legacy) neighborhood residents. | | Events
Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020, 3 p.m. ET | Remaking the Economy: Special Webinar with Shelterforce and NPQ | Tenant Responses to the Eviction Crisis: A Roundtable Discussion | Shelterforce is partnering with NPQ for this webinar to discuss what is needed to keep people in their homes amid the pandemic, how to protect tenants in your community, the impact of structural racism on housing, and more. Register here.
Thursday, Sept. 17, 2 p.m. ET | Driving Impact Webinar Series | Fostering Resilience, Resisting Abuse | Join Bank of America and AARP for this webinar that will share how AARP Foundation works to forge practical approaches to address senior poverty, particularly given the unprecedented job losses and economic strains resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Register here. | |
We only list free events and resources of national interest. To learn about advertising, click here. | | Supporting us is simple and fast. You can do it on Patreon! | | You Said It
Helen: My reply to “why don’t low income people save” is save what? The very fact that they are low income implies they struggle to meet basic needs. They may save a portion of each paycheck in order to pay the rent, but saving for the future is beyond most poor people’s ability. This is not to say they do not want to save, just that it is rarely an option. Read More
Sharon laValley: In a time when people are screaming for affordable housing this is needed on a more human condition level. I am all for this. GENTRIFICATION HAS PRICED US OUT OF SHELTER TOO LONG. Read More
Ben Chin: We need to treat housing in rich areas the same as everywhere else, and that includes policies that increase density. Housing policy is not just for low income neighborhoods! #homesguarantee. Great piece on @Shelterforce. Via Twitter
Meg Maguire: Alan, thank you for your willingness to take on “fad thinking.” The push for [getting rid of] single family zoning in DC — by Sierra Club, a few Council members and Council candidates, and others — is strikingly simplistic: Minneapolis is doing it, therefore, DC should. Our Office of Planning has submitted to Council a totally rewritten . . . Read More
Chris: Thank you, Alan, for this important set of clarifications to your previous essay. Read More
RW Force: Why have suburbs zoned so much unused land for commercial/industrial use instead of housing? Unfortunately, even in so-called “progressive” states municipal and school funding are tied to the property tax, incentivising them to try to attract high-value, low expense development. Low-cost high-density housing is . . . Read More | | | The Program Specialist will assist the Director of Affordable Housing with the daily operations, administrative, and program outreach of the Athens Land Trust Affordable Housing Program, with a particular focus on stewardship activities. Each candidate should . . . Read Full Listing | | | | | | |