The Office of Housing and the Office of Environment and Energy will co-host a webinar to educate Multifamily and Office of Residential Care Facilities Federal Housing Administration (FHA) applicants and third-party consultants on HUD's Environmental Review Online System (HEROS). This training is designed for FHA partners new to HEROS and with HEROS experience. Register today! Training Objectives Participants will learn how to: - Complete the HEROS screens as a FHA partner
- Aggregate FHA projects and determine the correct level of environmental review
- Document and follow-up on mitigation in HEROS
- Troubleshoot common HEROS issues
Who Should Attend? This webinar is intended for Multifamily and Office of Residential Care Facilities FHA applicants and third-party consultants new to HEROS and with HEROS experience. Registration Information Date: September 15, 2020 Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EDT Register for the HEROS Training for Multifamily and Healthcare FHA Partners Webinar. Training Point of Contact Michelle Grainger | |