(SSVF) Program Update Friday September 25th, 2020.
From: Supportive Services for Veteran Families
Date: September 25, 2020 at 1:44:36 PM EDT
Subject: SSVF Program Update Friday September 25th, 2020.
1. REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar Series: SSVF FY2020 Closeout and FY2021 Budget – Thursday October 8th, 2020 at 2:00pm EST
2. REGISTER NOW: SSVF Webinar Series: Community Rehousing Coordination – Friday October 9th, 2020 at 12:00pm EST
3. REQUIREMENT: Emergency Housing Assistance (EHA) GIFTS Requirement Due Monday, September 28th, 2020
4. NEW: Casting Call for SSVF Veteran "Extras" for a Public Service Announcement - Due Monday October 5th, 2020
5. ATTENTION: September is Suicide Prevention Month - #BeThere
REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar Series: SSVF FY2020 Closeout and FY2021 Budget – Thursday October 8th, 2020 at 2:00pm EST
The SSVF Program Office will present a webinar to provide guidance to grantees regarding their the FY21 budget submission. Program Office compliance staff will also provide updates on the closeout process for FY2020 awards. Register at link below:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
REGISTER NOW: SSVF Webinar Series: Community Rehousing Coordination – Friday October 9th, 2020 at 12:00pm EST
The SSVF Program Office, in conjunction with the SSVF TA Team, will provide information about coordinating rehousing with VA and community partners to serve as many Veterans experiencing homelessness as possible. This webinar will provide an overview of resources and planning for rehousing being done by community stakeholders. In addition, there will be an overview of how Grantees can ensure they have effective referrals mechanisms to identify Veterans in the community who are potentially eligible for SSVF; and to refer Veterans who need a housing intervention not available through VA funded programs.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
REQUIREMENT: Emergency Housing Assistance (EHA) GIFTS Requirement Due Monday, September 28th, 2020
The SSVF Program Office is requesting the EHA data from all grantees for the period March 17th to September 26th, 2020. This information must be submitted through GIFTS no later than Monday September 28th, 2020.
The GIFTS online requirement form, SSVF CARES EHA, is now visible in the GIFTS account portal; the portal can be found at: https://grantrequest.com/SID_2115
NEW: Casting Call for SSVF Veteran "Extras" for a Public Service Announcement - Due Monday October 5th, 2020
The SSVF Program Office continues to partner with the VA Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs (OPIA) in development of public service announcements. This casting call is seeking Veterans who would be willing and able to provide additional support, in the form of an "Extra," for the upcoming public service announcement (PSA). See "Record Yourself for VA PSA" PDF attachment for details. If you have Veteran participants who can send self-recordings as described by the PDF instructions, please notify Maxine.Pulliam@va.gov with the video clips. In an effort to highlight diversity and ensure inclusivity, OPIA has a particular interest in older women Veterans and Veterans from Asian or Pacific Island backgrounds to add to their existing cast list.
The deadline for video submissions is Monday, 10/5/20. The ROI paperwork is also attached for your completion. Please copy your Regional Coordinator to the communication.
ATTENTION: September is Suicide Prevention Month - #BeThere
Please join the SSVF Program Office in educating your staff and sharing tools and resources to support the VA's #BeThere for Veterans campaign to help prevent Veteran Suicide.
As a reminder, each grant year, all SSVF Grantee staff must have SAVE training, a suicide prevention training course developed by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Staff should first attempt to request in-person training from their locally certified SAVE trainer, either a VAMC Suicide Prevention Coordinator or Homeless Program Staff Point of Contact (POC). For assistance in locating your local Suicide Prevention Coordinator, click here https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/get-help/local-resources. If in-person training is unavailable, all staff should view the SAVE training webinar on Suicide Prevention found at the link below:
SSVF Grantees are encouraged to share VA suicide prevention resources with your community partners by discussing the SAVE training and other suicide prevention resources when working with community members at COC, CES, and other community partner meetings.
Below are additional resources and opportunities to support Veteran suicide prevention efforts and the #BeThere campaign.
• Add #BeThere to your email signature and the http://bethereforveterans.com/ webpage link to highlight an array of suicide prevention resources and spread awareness of this critical campaign.
• Ask your staff to familiarize themselves with the website http://www.veteranscrisisline.net and add to your phone contact the Veterans Crisis line number of 1-800-273-8255 (press 1 for Veterans).
• Learn the signs of crisis and suicide red flags at http://www.veteranscrisisline.net/education/signs-of-crisis
• Share with employees and community members the link to VA's Mental Health resource page at http://www.mentalhealth.va.gov.
Thank you,
SSVF Program Office