HUD is pleased to announce the launch of the new Community Development Block Grant CARES Act (CDBG-CV) website on the HUD Exchange. Through the CARES Act, Congress provided $5 billion for the CDBG-CV program to states, metropolitan cities, urban counties, and insular areas. Visit this new website to access key information regarding CDBG-CV.  | View Resources and Training Find all CDBG-CV resources and training in one place. |  | Ask a Basic Program Question Submit basic CDBG-CV programmatic or policy questions. |  | Request On-Call TA for Complex Questions Request on-call TA if you need more guidance or a helping hand with your CDBG-CV question. On-call TA is a chance to talk through your more complex questions with a skilled TA provider. This is not in-depth, hands-on TA, but if you need more one-on-one help than just submitting a simple question, on-call TA may be right for you. | |