The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced a second allocation of CARES Act Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG-CV2) funds to the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) on June 9, 2020, totaling $9,665,307. These funds are intended to address the needs of people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 response and recovery period and are available for use, in conjunction with ESG-CV1 funds, through September 30, 2022.
A substantial amendment to the FY 2019 Annual Action Plan is necessary in order to receive CARES Act funds, and usually a thirty (30) day public comment period is required, however, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has waived this requirement for the ESG- CV2 and allows for notification of the substantial amendment via this notice. This announcement fulfills HUD'S notification requirements for ESG-CV2.
Awards & Eligible Grantees
The Department of Housing and Community Development intends to utilize $823,923 of the ESG-CV2 funds for administrative costs and award a total of $9,915,307 to the 11 Continuums of Care (CoCs) that are HUD non-entitlement areas, as indicated in the allocations chart below. Entitlement counties (Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, Montgomery County, and Prince George's County) receive their ESG-CV funding directly from HUD and therefore are not eligible to receive ESG-CV funding through DHCD.
Awards to CoCs were determined based on the annual homeless served in each CoC in FY2020. Similar to the process for regular Emergency Solutions Grant funding, CoCs will competitively solicit and select nonprofit or government organizations to receive ESG-CV funds within their local geographic area and deliver services to people experiencing homelessness.
ESG-CV2 Allocations | Total |
Allegany County Continuum of Care | $207,519 |
Carroll County Continuum of Care | $636,581 |
Cecil County Continuum of Care | $694,325 |
Frederick County Continuum of Care | $1,552,537 |
Garrett County Continuum of Care | $436,178 |
Harford County Continuum of Care | $464,972 |
Howard County Continuum of Care | $602,069 |
Lower Shore Continuum of Care (Somerset, Worchester, Wicomico counties) | $1,808,642 |
Mid-Shore Continuum of Care (Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Talbot counties) | $985,499 |
Southern MD Continuum of Care (Calvert, Charles, St. Mary's counties) | $1,606,839 |
Washington County Continuum of Care | $920,146 |
Administrative Costs - DHCD | $823,923 |
Total ESG-CV2 | $9,665,307 |
ESG-CV2 Activities
Eligible activities for these funds include street outreach, emergency shelter, rapid re-housing, homelessness prevention, administrative costs, and funds for the implementation of Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS).
CoCs must spend at least 50% of their allocation on providing rapid re-housing services to people currently experiencing homelessness. CoCs may not utilize funds for homelessness prevention unless performance benchmarks for a reduction in homelessness have been met. The anticipated activities for ESG-CV2 statewide are as follows:
Activity | Percentage of Funds |
Street Outreach | 10% |
Emergency Shelter | 25% |
Rapid Re-Housing | 50% |
Homelessness Prevention | 0% |
Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) | 5% |
Administrative Costs (DHCD & CoCs combined) | 10% |
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