(NAEH) New CDC Partnership May Provide COVID-19 Vaccines for Seniors in Affordable Housing

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

New Partnership Between CDC and Housing Providers May Provide Vaccine Access to Seniors in Affordable Housing

The CDC's new "Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care Program for COVID-19 Vaccination" program provides end-to-end management of the COVID-19 vaccination process. While first priority will be given to health care workers, first responders, and vulnerable people in nursing homes and other congregant settings, seniors in affordable housing units could potentially be given higher priority to receive vaccines based on identified need.

Filling out the form below indicates to the CDC that you, as a housing provider for seniors, are interested in potentially participating in this program when vaccines become available. The deadline to apply is November 6, 2020. Signing up is not a guarantee that your organization will be able to participate in the program, but indicates the volume of need to the CDC. 

Learn more about the Pharmacy Partnership >>>

Join the IRS for National EIP Registration Day

The IRS is making a final push to get Economic Impact Payments (stimulus checks) to those who have not received it by having a National EIP Registration Day on November 10. This date is ahead of the extended Nov. 21 registration deadline.

Learn more about National EIP Registration Day >>>
Access the "Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here" tool >>>

Federal Resources 

HUD Resources
Mainstream Housing Choice Vouchers
Mainstream Housing Choice Vouchers can be used by public housing authorities to house non-elderly people with disabilities experiencing homelessness. The deadline for applying for the new voucher funding is December 31, 2020.
Resources for Domestic Violence
In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness has compiled a list of federal resources to aid providers who serve survivors of domestic violence. 

View the resource list >>>