WellSky applied a fix to the LSA export at
10:00 AM CST today to resolve the BCP error message. You will need to create a new export. The BCP error message comes after the provider data quality check step in the process. Your new export should be ready for submission to the HDX 2.0. WellSky also optimized the code which will mean a shorter timeframe for running the export for large and extra large sites.
Also a reminder that HUD wants you to submit LSA exports for two fiscal years this year. This information was sent out by HUD after our LSA information announcement. The two export date ranges for submission are: 10/1/2018 - 9/30/2019 and 10/1/2019 - 9/30/2020. We recommend using the CoC Code prompt for generating exports for upload to HDX 2.0.
Please create a case in the
Customer Community if you have any questions.