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(SSVF) Program Update Friday November 20, 2020
From: Supportive Services for Veteran Families
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2020 1:31 PM
Subject: SSVF Program Update Friday November 20, 2020
UPDATE: S.A.V.E. and Suicide Prevention Training link
NEW: Emergency Housing Assistance (EHA) GIFTS Requirement due Monday, 11/23/2020 REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar: December 10, 2020 2pm EST SAVE THE DATE: SSVF National Webinar- SSVF HMIS Repository Monthly Data Reports- January 14, 2021 2pm EST
UPDATE: S.A.V.E. and Suicide Prevention Training link
All SSVF grantee staff must be trained annually in S.A.V.E., a suicide prevention training from VA. Staff should first attempt to request in-person training from their locally certified S.A.V.E. trainer, either a VAMC Suicide Prevention Coordinator or Homeless Program Staff Point of Contact (POC). If in-person training is unavailable, all staff should view the S.A.V.E training online. The link to the SAVE training on the SSVF website is not active at this time, grantees must access the SAVE training using the YouTube link below:
VA S.A.V.E. training:
Suicide Prevention Coordinator (for in-person S.A.V.E. training) locator:
As a reminder, this is due annually by September 30th for all staff who have any portion of their job activities funded by SSVF.
NEW: Emergency Housing Assistance (EHA) GIFTS Requirement Due Monday, 11/23/2020
The SSVF Program Office is requesting the EHA data from all grantees for the period of March 17, 2020 to November 20, 2020. This information must be submitted through GIFTS no later than Monday, November 23, 2020. The GIFTS online requirement form, SSVF CARES EHA, is visible in the GIFTS account portal and may be found at:
REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar: December 10, 2020 2pm EST
This webinar will continue the discussion of using MACA as an alternative approach for grantees to account for and support their administrative expenses. The webinar will provide additional details on the process to transition to MACA. The audience for this webinar is specifically for SSVF leadership and fiscal staff with an interest in using MACA. Please register using the link below:
SAVE THE DATE: SSVF National Webinar- SSVF HMIS Repository Monthly Data Reports- January 14, 2021 2pm EST
In this webinar, ABT Associates will review the newest SSVF monthly reporting from the VA HMIS Repository and how to interpret the results each SSVF program receives at the end of each upload cycle. A refresher of the Data Quality Summary and Data Quality Details reports, which are sent with every successful upload, will also be provided. There will be an opportunity for data collection questions and clarification on any upload concerns that have arisen within the first few uploads of the new fiscal year.
SSVF Program Office