(HUD) HOPWA Forms Updated Under OMB Control Number 2506-0133

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HOPWA Forms Updated Under OMB Control Number 2506-0133

In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA), HUD received approval on November 20, 2020 to continue collecting information for the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) program under OMB Control Number 2506-0133. Minor changes were implemented with the approval of this PRA:

  • Two new forms, HUD-4153 and HUD-4154, were approved to expand reporting requirements for new competitive grants funded as special projects of national significance (SPNS) only.
  • In the HOPWA reporting forms, HUD-40110-C and HUD-40110-D, a correction was made to the “Transgender” definition in the “Definitions” section.
  • In the HOPWA reporting forms, HUD-40110-C and HUD-40110-D, increased detail was added to the “Number 504 Accessible” column header in the “Number and Type of HOPWA Capital Development Projects” Chart.

HOPWA grantees are expected to use the updated HOPWA reporting forms, HUD-40110-C and HUD-40110-D, with the November 30, 2023 expiration date. However, submission of previously approved reporting forms will be accepted through the expiration date of January 31, 2021 listed on the form. For any reporting due on or after February 1, 2021, grantees must use the forms with the November 30, 2023 expiration date. Updated links to the new forms will be included in all the reminder emails to grantees with reports due on or after February 1, 2021.

The forms approved under OMB Control Number 2506-0133 expire on November 30, 2023. Links to the forms covered by this recent approval are as follows:

  • HUD-40110-B, HOPWA Competitive Application & Renewal of Permanent Supportive Housing Project Budget Summary
  • HUD-40110-C, Annual Progress Report (APR) for competitive and renewal grantees
  • HUD-40110-D, Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for formula grantees
  • HUD-4153, Housing as an Intervention to Fight AIDS (HIFA) Model
  • HUD-4154, HIV Housing Care Continuum Model
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