(NAEH) New Report Extends Guidance for 2021 PIT Counts

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

Researchers Provide Additional Guidance for 2021 PIT Counts

A new report by University of Pennsylvania researchers provides guidance on conducting a healthy and safe street-based Point-in-Time (PIT) count during COVID-19. The report is meant as a companion to HUD guidance. Recommendations focus on:
  • increasing the use of outreach teams in street-based counts;
  • reducing the reliance on volunteers to conduct the PIT;
  • increasing the use of technology in training and surveying;
  • combining observation-based and survey approaches across nights and populations; and
  • reducing the overall burden by creating statistically valid samples.
Download the report >>>

FEMA Waives Time Extension Requests on Non-Congregate Shelter


FEMA has waived a previous requirement for Public Assistance funded non-congregate shelters to request time extensions on these shelter operations every 30 days.

Though communities no longer need to request these time extensions every 30 days, they will still need to report basic information on these shelter operations to regional offices (the number of locations, length of stay, population type, and estimated transition date to HUD assistance), as well as follow past FEMA criteria on non-congregate shelter operations.

View the full details here >>>

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