
Showing posts from April 14, 2020

[Webinar] Student homelessness and COVID-19

Learn about the broader problem of youth homelessness, and the specific issues created by COVID-19. [WEBINAR] Understand the impact of student homelessness on society Tuesday, April 21 | 2pm ET / 11am PT  Explore the pandemic within the pandemic — 1.5 million homeless children and youth  and an additional  1.4 million children under age six experience homelessness. The arrival of COVID-19 puts this vulnerable population at even greater risk. This webinar will cover the extent of homelessness among children and youth in the United States and how our communities can respond, including: Leveraging existing rights and resources for children and youth facing homelessness Identifying and meet the needs of homeless youth created by the COVID-19 pandemic Adopting best practices nationally to end youth homelessness This presentation will help you address both t...

COVID-19 Prevention and Response for Homeless Providers: Daily Resource Digest

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training COVID-19 Prevention and Response for Homeless Providers: Daily Resource Digest Digest for April 14, 2020 The recent emergence of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) calls for enhanced cooperation between public health authorities, homeles...

Now Playing: Borne the Battle (VA)

Listen now to the Department of Veterans Affairs official podcast.    Now Playing: Borne the Battle Borne the Battle is the Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA) official podcast that engages with Veterans and members of the military community while spotlighting important information from across the VA. Released weekly, distinguished guests join host—and Marine Veteran—Tanner Iskra to discuss: Bridging the military-civilian divide Veteran advocacy initiatives through the voice of Veterans Positive stories to inspire and educate transitioning Veterans New information from the VA about important resources and benefits Listen to Borne the Battle You can find Borne the Battle on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeartRADIO, or any other podcast app.   

Password Reset Email Reminder

WellSky important update WellSky continues to implement the most secure and up-to-date user experience for end users of Community Services (ServicePoint).  As previously announced in the upgrade to Community Services 5.12.70; in an upgrade at the end of April; we will implement a requirement for each end user to have a unique email address. With the Forgot Password feature, which sends password reset information to a user's email address, all users will soon be required to have a unique email address.  In preparation for this change we created an export last fall for your site that will show you a list of users with duplicate or missing email addresses that need to be fixed before the future update to ServicePoint.  System Administrators can go to "Admin" and then "XML Exports" to run this export. The new export is named "Dupl...

Additional April SOARing Over Lunch Call!

Join us for our 2nd April SOARing Over Lunch Call! SOARing Over Lunch! Tuesday, April 21, 2020 1:00 p.m. ET During this time of social distancing, we have added an additional SOARing Over Lunch call for the month of April!  Our next SOARing Over Lunch  call is scheduled for Tuesday, April 21, at 1:00 p.m. ET . Please join us for this informal call to have your SOAR questions answered directly by the SAMHSA SOAR TA Center! While there is no agenda set in advance for these calls, we do want your ideas! Please e-mail us at to submit any questions and/or topics that you would like us to discuss.  ** These are listen-only calls.** Participants will type questions into a chat box and listen to the presentation via computer speakers. Log-in:...

From Our Federal Partners: $150B Coronavirus Relief Fund for State, Local, and Tribal Governments – April 17 Submission Deadline

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training From Our Federal Partners: $150B Coronavirus Relief Fund for State, Local, and Tribal Governments – April 17 Submission Deadline The U.S. Department of the Treasury launched a web portal to allow eligible state, local, and tribal governments to receive ...