
Showing posts from April 20, 2020

COVID-19 Prevention and Response for Homeless Providers: Daily Resource Digest

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training COVID-19 Prevention and Response for Homeless Providers: Daily Resource Digest Digest for April 20, 2020 The recent emergence of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) calls for enhanced cooperation between public health authorities, homel...

[Last chance to register] Webinar - Student homelessness and COVID-19

Learn about the broader problem of youth homelessness, and the specific issues created by COVID-19. [WEBINAR] Understand the impact of student homelessness on society Tuesday, April 21 | 2pm ET / 11am PT  Explore the pandemic within the pandemic — 1.5 million homeless children and youth  and an additional  1.4 million children under age six experience homelessness. The arrival of COVID-19 puts this vulnerable population at even greater risk. This webinar will cover the extent of homelessness among children and youth in the United States and how our communities can respond, including: Leveraging existing rights and resources for children and youth facing homelessness Identifying and meet the needs of homeless youth created by the COVID-19 pandemic Adopting best practices nationally to end youth homelessness This presentation will help you address both t...

HUD Releases New IDIS Training for CDBG Grantees

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training HUD Releases New IDIS Training for CDBG Grantees HUD is pleased to announce the availability of several *new* training modules for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grantees on using the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS). ...

MCAP: Collective Impact Webinar

Roles for CAAs in Community Collaborative Efforts Webinar April 28, 2020 1:00PM Facilitated by Sheri Brady, Associate Director at Aspen Institute and Junious Williams, Jr., Senior Advisor at Collective Impact Forum, this webinar will explore strategies and plans for the best use of agencies talent, time and resource in building collaborative policy solutions.  Issues explored will include considerations in selecting a backbone organization, best deployment of staff and resources, changing roles over time, effective community engagement and avoiding conflicts of interest.  REGISTER HERE Connect with us ‌ ‌ ‌ ...

Reminder: HOPWA Program COVID-19 FAQs Webinar - April 22, 2020 - 2:30 PM EDT

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training Reminder: HOPWA Program COVID-19 FAQs Webinar - April 22, 2020 - 2:30 PM EDT The Office of HIV/AIDS Housing (OHH) is hosting a webinar for Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) grantees and project sponsors related to COVID-19 on April 22,...