(WellSky) SP 5.13.7 Is Now Available
WellSky important update ServicePoint 5.13.7 is now available. This is considered a " major " release. This means you have to create a case in the WellSky Customer Community in order to upgrade to this version. The additional step will allow you the opportunity to review the release notes prior to upgrading the site for your End Users. This will also give you time to ensure that all of your End User accounts have unique email addresses since this is a requirement in ServicePoint 5.13.7 and beyond. This release includes updates to the following areas of Community Services (formerly ServicePoint): Each End User is now required to have a unique email address. Updated email address format validation to allow for apostrophe. Resolved an issue with loading of picklist values for Operational Providers picklist. Mapped retired Bed and Unit Inventory ...