
Showing posts from December 8, 2020

(HUD) Reminder: Upcoming HOPWA COVID-19 Response Webinars

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training ...

(WellSky) LSA Status Update

WellSky important update WellSky would like to provide you with some important updates about the LSA process. First, WellSky will be updating the LSA export again by end of business on Thursday, December 10 th . This update will resolve these specific flag ids: 484, 486, 538, 539, 757, 779, 780, 804 and 848. WellSky will send out another announcement once the update has been applied to the LSA export. Second, going forward please only create support cases in the Customer Community if you have a question about a specific flag id or set of flag ids. We do not need you to create a case if you simply want to share a copy of your flag file with WellSky. This is because Abt is sending vendors a consolidated flag file that contains information from all of our clients. Third, here is the list of fl...

(HUD) Register Today: SAMHSA HHRC Webinar: Eviction Prevention and Housing Retention During and After COVID-19 – December 16, 2020 – 3:00 PM EST

Resources and assistance to support HUD's community partners Home Programs Resources Training ...

(SOAR) What Are Your State’s Outcomes? Find Out in a New SAMHSA SOAR Issue Brief

Plus, SOAR success stories from KS and OH! CONTACT US SSA WEBINARS SOAR IN YOUR STATE Download the 2020  National SAMHSA SOAR Outcomes Issue Brief! Now Available for Download: 2020 National SAMHSA SOAR Outcomes Issue Brief The SAMHSA SOAR TA Center is thrilled to release the 2020 National SOAR Outcomes issue brief to the SOAR community! The issue brief provides a look at SOAR implementation across the nation and expands on the 2020 SOAR Outcomes infographic released in the November 2020 SAMHSA SOAR eNews (view the full infographic and the text alternative ). This past year has been a challenging one, but our SOAR community is resilient! Despite the challenges presented by the pand...