(NAEH) Download New Vaccine Guidance and Staff Care Resources

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

Caring for Staff During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has put extraordinary strain on the homeless services system - both for people experiencing homelessness and the providers who serve them.

In a new Alliance resource, three providers share insight on ways they have recognized team successes, provided space for self care, and supported staff beyond the workday to ensure that their frontline staff is cared for during the pandemic. 

View "Caring for Homeless Services Staff During the COVID-19 Pandemic" Resources >>>

New HUD Guidance Helps Outline Vaccine Strategies

New guidance from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) outlines how homeless service providers can prioritize vaccination, use cross-sector partnerships, plan out logistics, engage the community, and distribute these roles and responsibilities among staff:

Upcoming CDC Webinar

COVID-19 Vaccination for People Experiencing Homelessness 
Tuesday, January 19
2-3 p.m. ET 

CDC staff will provide the most recent updates about COVID-19 vaccination for people experiencing homelessness. The webinar will cover COVID-19 vaccine basics​, safety​, the prioritization of persons experiencing homelessness for COVID-19 vaccination, special considerations for the vaccination of this population, and an example strategy from the Minnesota​ Department of Health.


  • Emily Mosites, PhD, MPH: Homelessness Unit, CDC Community Interventions and Critical Populations Task Force
  • Nathan Furukawa, MD, MPH: Disproportionately Affected Adults Populations Team, CDC Vaccine Task Force
  • Blair Harrison, MPH: Minnesota Department of Health
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Conducting an Unsheltered Point-in-Time Count During the COVID-19 Pandemic