New HoH Relationship Resource Available

WellSky important update

The Universal Data Element "Relationship to Head of Household" is a critical component of data collection and reporting for HUD and all the Federal Partners. WellSky will set this field to "required" in Community Services 5.14.7 (available in the next few weeks) to help improve accuracy in data entry and reporting. 

WellSky created a new resource, "Relationship to Head of Household Guidance v1", that is available now in the "HACS 2022 HUD Data Standards" and "HACS HUD Documentation" folders in the Client Library. This new resource answers general questions about the data element and provides helpful data entry tips.


WellSky plans to further enhance the data entry validations for this data element and will provide improved data quality reports in the future.


Please create a case in the Client Community if you have further questions.