Take Action! FY22 Bill Must Include Funds for Homelessness Programs and Housing Vouchers
It's been 321 days since President Biden sent his budget request to Congress, but the federal government continues to operate at spending levels established by the previous administration. This delay is costing ordinary people in countless ways – rents are rising and human needs remain unmet, yet Washington's response has been largely frozen at the same spending levels set in December 2020.
President Biden's budget request includes billions more for tenant based rental assistance and a 17% year-over-year increase in homelessness spending, their highest levels yet. However, none of these increases has been implemented. Instead, Congress has struggled to find the votes for a new budget and continues to operate under the Trump administration's spending policies.
That may change soon, when lawmakers face a March 11 deadline to finish this year's appropriations. We need your help in telling Congress to invest in homelessness and housing programs.
Please take action by clicking here to send a customized letter to your Washington representatives.
Let them know that the Fiscal Year 2022 budget is long overdue and past appropriation levels simply don't meet today's needs. Congress must invest in homeless programs and tenant based rental assistance at the maximum amounts possible, matching the Biden administration's budget request.
Negotiations are underway and billions of dollars hang in the balance. Please act today.
Sincerely, Steve Berg |